Personal Access Tokens

How we authenticate your requests

Manage your Personal Access Tokens

Appruve authenticates your API requests using your accountโ€™s Personal Access Tokens, simply called tokens. If you do not include your token when making an API request, or use one that is incorrect or outdated, Appruve returns an error. Simply include your token in the Authorization header when making requests to the API

Authorization: Bearer <token>

Obtaining Personal Access Tokens

You can create and manage your Personal Access Tokens from your Appruve Dashboard. You can create a Test token or a Live Token. Test tokens only work with test data that Appruve provides you from the testing page of the dashboard which carries no charge. Live tokens work with your real world data and carries a charge when the verification is successful.

Don't use a Test token when working with your real world data, use a Live token instead.

Last updated