Verify Business Document By OCR

Check the validity of a Business Registration Document by performing an OCR

Please note that only Nigeria is supported as a country as of now.

Understanding How This Works

This service allows the upload of a Business Registration Document, Appruve performs an OCR on the document to extract the relevant registration details, then makes a check against the relevant Government database to ensure a record of the business exists.

Verify Business Document By OCR


Check the validity of a Business Registration Document by performing an OCR. This is a multipart/form-data request.

Path Parameters


Request Body

    "is_doc_valid": true,
    "data": {
        "doc_submitted": "URL of the document submitted",
        "business_information": {
            "company_id": "123456",
            "company_name": "JOHN DOE TECHNOLOGY LIMITED",
            "company_status": "ACTIVE",
            "company_registration": "123456",
            "company_commencement_date": "1901-07-03",
            "company_type_info": "Company",
            "company_address": "No. 8 John Doe way, Nigeria",
            "company_email": ""

Last updated