Côte d'Ivoire 🇨🇮

Extract PII data from Côte d'Ivoire ID documents

How It Works

Appruve's OCR API allows you to extract the Personally identifiable information from a Côte d’Ivoire ID document including the ID face photo. This API also performs an analyses on each document uploaded to determine if the document is legit or not. Document analyses include Template Matching, Barcode and MRZ checks.

The endpoint is constructed as follows.


id_type should be replaced with the specific ID type. Supported ID types include passport, national_id, foreign_id, embassy_id, and identity_certificate (Attestation D'Identité )

The request is a multipart POST request as shown in the example below. The front_id_image and back_id_image parameters are required and their values could be a File Object or a web URL.

Example National ID Request

curl --location --request POST 'https://api.appruve.co/v1/verifications/selfie_image/ocr/ci/national_id' \
--header 'Authorization: Bearer TOKEN' \
--form 'front_id_image=@"/path/ci_national_id_front.jpg"' \
--form 'back_id_image=@"/path/ci_national_id_back.jpg"'

Example Passport Request

curl --location --request POST 'https://api.appruve.co/v1/verifications/selfie_image/ocr/ci/passport' \
--header 'Authorization: Bearer TOKEN' \
--form 'front_id_image=@"/path/passport.jpg"'

Example Residence Permit Request

curl --location --request POST 'https://api.appruve.co/v1/verifications/selfie_image/ocr/ci/identity_certificate' \
--header 'Authorization: Bearer TOKEN' \
--form 'front_id_image=@"/path/identity_certificate.jpg"'

Example Identity Certificate Request

curl --location --request POST 'https://api.appruve.co/v1/verifications/selfie_image/ocr/ci/passport' \
--header 'Authorization: Bearer TOKEN' \
--form 'front_id_image=@"/path/passport.jpg"'

An example response is given below.

    "id_details": {
        "front_id": {
            "first_name": "John",
            "last_name": "Doe",
            "id_number": "C123456789",
            "date_of_birth": "1900-05-01",
            "issue_date": "2018-05-04",
            "expiry_date": "2028-05-03",
            "gender": "M",
            "place_of_birth": "",
            "height": "1,72"
        "back_id": {
            "fathers_name": "John Doe Snr",
            "mothers_name": "Margaret Doe",
            "fathers_date_of_birth": "1900-11-11,
            "mothers_date_of_birth": "1978-04-14",
            "home_address": "Port Bouet",
            "serial_number": "100 000000 000 000"
    "front_id_submitted": "",
    "back_id_submitted": "",
    "front_id_face_photo": "",
    "transaction_reference": "c17cb1bf-0ee4-4591-b421-00939ee7063a",
    "document_analyses": [
            "type": "TEMPLATE_MATCHING",
            "is_check_successful": true,
            "data": null
    "id_confidence_score": 100.00

The returned transaction_reference value should be used for the Upload Selfie endpoint.

Last updated